Getting a second bachelor degree in Germany

Getting a second bachelor degree in Germany

Germany is a country of universities, some of which are centuries old. The universities of Tübingen, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Jena, Marburg, Göttingen have a significant advantage compared with other European universities:training fees in Germany don’t exceed € 600per semester and are often reduced up to € 150 of administrative fee. To study in Germany you don’t need to invest “a fortune” but you have to arrange it properly and put some effort.
First of all, you have to learn German. Preparing for the entrance test takes about 900 hours. It means that you have to dedicate to language lessons 270 minutes (6 academical hours) a week. For example, you can do it in parallel with studies in your country. Also it can be organized in the mode of distance learning – via Skype or any other similar instant messaging applicationIndividual lessons take place at any convenient location, that allows you to achieve the same results with good language courses, and costs less.
For admission to the undergraduate program at a German university you need to have finished 2 semesters (full time) in your country. In this case chances of a student depend not only on the reputation of his university but more on his average academic score. So you cancontinue education in Germany just after the first year of study in your country.
Those who have already finished 3-4 years had better complete their studies. It opens to them additional opportunities to enter a German university – a free choice of speciality(those who have finished one year can only continue their education in the same field). If the program of study at your university doesn’t differ too much from the German one, you won’t have to pass all the exams, and the training period may be reduced to two years. So, in this case you will win twice, since you will receive a diploma of your university and get a bachelor degree in Germany.
It’s clear that getting a second academical degree requires substantial investment of time. But these efforts are repaid when you get a diploma of a prestigious European university, become fluent in one of the most important European languages, and have an experience of living abroad. Finally, a possession of two academic degrees gives you a status of specialist of international level and will certainly give you better chances for a successful career.
(by: <a href=""> Amazing Scenes </a>)
