We support Muhammad Morsi

Muhammad Morsi

  • The overthrow of Egyptian President Dr. Mohammad Masri was overthrown by his kyujh what steps?

    1 ...... Israel was given dهmky the oppressed Muslims in Palestine to stop violence or else the attack was dهmky and support independent Palestine was announced.
    2 ...... Alcohol was banned and dance clubs.
    3 ...... Corrupt military generals accountable back to the national exchequer by billions of dollars were collected.
    4 ...... Attacks on Muslims in Western countries, the war was dهmky.
    5 ...... Upon the orders of Allah Almighty and the Holy methods was made law.
    6 ...... In honor of the Holy Prophet on the cheek sjt stance was adopted by the UN speech was to represent Muslims.
    7 .... Burmese Muslims are called to help. Harsh words and warned the government of Burma.
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