What are Inbound Links?

What are Inbound Links?

inbound links
Inbound Links
Inbound links/incoming links are the hyperlinks back to your website from another Website or External Source. The constant and reliable strategy in search engine optimization (SEO) is that Websites with a range of excellent back links (with high Page Rank) rank higher in the search engine result pages.
Inbound links include the back linking through off page SEO sources (DirectorySubmission, Comment Posting, Forum Posting etc.)

Keyword Commercial Intent

How to Determine a Keyword’s Commercial Intent

If you asked me to name the #1 keyword research mistake I see most often, I wouldn’t hesitate before answering: “Not spending enough time on commercial intent”.
In fact, most SEO experts agree that – when it comes to choosing keywords — commercial intent is actually MORE important than search volume.
Here’s a quick story that illustrates this point really well…
One of the first web properties I ever built received over 60,000 unique visitors per month from organic search alone.
Guess how much that site brought in every month.
  • $10,000?
  • $25,000?
  • $40,000?
How about $400?
Yes, that’s four hundred dollars.
Why didn’t the site make any money? Well, when I chose keywords for that site, I focused on search volume…and completely ignored commercial intent.
Which meant that my almost 100% of my traffic came from purely informational keywords. As you’ll learn in this chapter, stemming from informational searches are typically hard to convert into paying customers.

But there’s good news…
Fortunately — with a little bit of research — you can easily find keywords that actual buyers use to search.
And when you get your site in front of those people, turning them into leads and sales is a breeze.
Without further ado, let me show you how to find high-converting keywords for your business.

Commercial Intent: The Four Keyword Classes

When it comes to commercial intent, all of the millions of keywords out there can be placed into one of four categories:
Buy Now Keywords
These are keywords that people use minutes before making a purchase. People searching with Buy Now Keywords may literally have their credit card in their hand.
Here are words that tend to be part of Buy Now Keywords:
  • Buy
  • Coupon
  • Discount
  • Deal
  • Shipping
Real life examples of Buy Now Keywords are “Bluehost discount”, “Buy candles online” and “Custom t-shirts free shipping”.
As you might expect, these keywords convert like crazy. They may not get great search volume, but their sky-high conversion rate makes up for it.
Product Keywords
Product Keywords are searches that focus on a specific product category, brand name, or service. People searching for Product Keywords tend to be a bit earlier in the buying cycle than people using Buy Now Keywords.
In other words, they convert well…but not quite as well as Buy Now Keywords.
Product Keywords tend to include:
  • Review
  • Best
  • Top 10
  • Specific brand name (“Nike” or “Toshiba”)
  • Specific product (“Macbook Pro” or “Samsung Galaxy”)
  • Product category (“Wordpress hosting” or “tennis shoes”)
  • Cheap
  • Affordable
  • Comparison
Don’t be thrown off by terms like “cheap” and “affordable”. Believe it or not, keywords with the words “cheap” in them convert really well.
For example, someone searching for “cheap laptops” has already decided that they want a laptop…they’re just looking for a product in their price range.
Informational Keywords
The vast majority of keywords online are Informational Keywords. As you might imagine, people looking for information don’t tend to convert especially well.
That being said, you can’t ignore Informational Keywords because they make up such a huge chunk of the keywords in your niche.
Information Keywords tend to include words like:
  • How to
  • Best way to
  • Ways to
  • I need to
The best way to leverage Informational Keywords is to find keywords that have high search volume and low competition.
Then, get as much of that traffic as you can on an email list. That way, you’ll be the site on their mind as they’re ready to buy something.
Tire Kicker Keywords
Tire Kicker Keywords are searches that are VERY unlikely to convert now…or in the near future.
Here are a few examples words that tend to make up Tire Kicker Keywords:
  • Free
  • Torrent
  • Download
  • …for free
A keyword like “watch The Simpsons online free” is a classic Tire Kicker Keyword. Good luck getting that person to buy anything (or even click on an ad).
On the other hand, keywords like “Buy Simpsons TV episodes” (Buy Now Keyword), “Simpsons DVDs” (Product Keyword) or “How to watch Simpsons Episodes” (Informational Keyword) will convert relatively well.

Getting Objective Information on Commercial Intent

Here’s the deal:
The Four Keyword Classes usually reflect buyer intent really well.
After all, there’s nothing worse than ranking #1 for a keyword…only to find that you can only generate a penny or two of revenue per visitor.
Here are two quick techniques you can tap into to get objective information on how valuable traffic coming from a keyword actually is.
Adwords Suggested Bid
Adwords Suggested Bid used to be known as “Average CPC” (CPC=Cost Per Click). They quietly changed the term but kept the dollar amounts exactly the same…which leads me to believe the Suggested Bid is simply the average CPC with a new name.
Regardless, the Suggested Bid is one of the few ways that you can see real world data about commercial intent. You KNOW that if an Adwords advertiser is paying $5 per click then that traffic must be really valuable.
And if you rank for that keyword in organic search, you’ll have no issues converting that traffic into email signups, affiliate commissions and paying customers.
Here’s how to do it:
First, login to your Google Adwords account and head to the Keyword Planner:
Click on “Search for new keyword and ad group ideas”
Enter a single keyword (or list of keywords) into the field and click “Get Ideas”:
Click on the “Keyword ideas” tab.
Check out the Adwords suggested bid.
Just look at the HUGE difference between the keywords in the list above.
The keyword “web hosting” is a Product Keyword that boasts a Suggested Bid of $24.75.
On the other hand, “what is web hosting” is an Information Keyword. Because people searching for “what is web hosting” are very early in the buying cycle, advertisers are only willing to pay $8.58 per click for that traffic.
As I said, the Four Keyword Classes are a helpful set of guidelines, but nothing beats seeing what the market is willing to pay for clicks. In my experience Suggested Bid is the single most accurate gauge of commercial intent.
Adwords Competition
Adwords Competition is a nice complement to the Suggested Bid. Competition is simply how many advertisers bid on that particular keyword in Adwords.
As you might expect, the more people that bid on a keyword, the more lucrative that keyword is.
You can check the competition by looking at this column in the Google Keyword Planner:
There are only 3 levels of competition (Low, Medium and High), so the metric isn’t very precise. But it’s just another piece of real world data to use when figuring out commercial intent.
You can also check Adwords competition by searching for your keyword in Google and seeing how many Adwords ads show up on the page:
If you see a ton of Ads above the fold and on the sidebar, you know that you’re looking at a highly-coveted keyword. In other words, it’s a keyword you probably want to target in your SEO campaigns.

Estate in Pakistan

Estate in Pakistan 

Real estate is a profitable business in Pakistan. There are many overseas property agents in Pakistan, one can buy property from out of Pakistan. There are also many property websites in Pakistan, by these you can buy online in Pakistan. Property prices in Pakistan are different to buy and sale. There are so many plots for sale in Pakistan.

  Property law is also included the constitution and applied in Pakistan. Property holders are bound to pay property tax in Pakistan.

Online shopping in Pakistan

Online shopping in Pakistan

Online shopping is the best way to sell and buy things on internetOnline shopping in Pakistan is as popular as in America.

online shopping in pakistan

There are many online shopping stores in Pakistan providing the facility of free home delivery but Pkbazaar.pk is the one of the best online shopping store providing free home delivery. You’ll feel comfortable while selling and buying through our fastest online shopping store.

 Online Shopping Store in Pakistan

Online Shopping in Pakistan

Online Shopping in Pakistan

Online Shopping in Pakistan

There was a time when human lives independent and accomplish his needs by own farms and service himself. With the passage of time when human develop and come to be civilize, modern and advance and start his profession in a specific field either production or services, made markets for selling his products. When he discovers the people like him living in the countries nearby his country, he starts the trade and extend markets.
After the invention of computer lives totally changed, in this modern age in which computer changes everything, you can do anything if you have an internet connection. Where the Computer supports varies fields of life there computer also made the shopping and trading so much easier. Then in modern life world shop through internet called online shopping.
According to Wikipedia “English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich invented online shopping in 1979”. In the online shopping any buyer can purchase product or service of his need from online store also called e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online storefront or virtual store.
With the arrival of smart phones era online shopping become easier and just like a fun with the availability of online shopping phone applications.
As the Pakistan is developing country and haven’t so many points in the race of technology so, currently the behaviour is changing with the life style.
In Pakistan 28.6% population belongs to lower class and remaining are educated and belong to upper and upper-middle socioeconomic classes. With the decreasing of poverty and increasing life standards and style the methods of trading and shopping are also changing. Online Shopping trend is becoming more favourite method to buy products and services.
In the national language Urdu and some local languages market is called BAZAAR. Pkbazaar.pk is a website that provides the shopping facility to purchase anywhere in Pakistan with Pakistan’s local currency.
Moreover, pkbazaar.pk gives many shopping option like as 24-7 timing, 100% money back guaranty, free shipping, various payment methods like as PayPal, Visa, Master, easypaisa, upaisa, mobicash, UBL Omni or payment to shipping boy.